Booktype Library

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Booktype for Authors and Publishers


From the Settings tab in the edit interface, you can manage the settings of your book. 


Select the language that your book is written in from the dropdown menu. If your language is not there, you can add it using the Set new language button. [Note - does this work?] 


Choose the license that you wish your book to be published under, from the dropdown menu or click Set new license to add a license that isn't already there. If you are not familiar with the different options, click Read full text of the license and it will open in a pop-up window.

You can also manage copyright attribution for your book; this will open a pop-up window showing all of the contributors to your book, and if you want to exclude someone from attribution you can move their name to the "excluded" list.


Click the button Manage roles to open a pop-up window where you can add collaborators and assign different roles to them.

To add a new contributor (note: the new contributor must first create a Booktype account):

  1. From the dropdown menu, select the role you wish to give the new contributor.
  2. In the input field under "New user:", begin typing the username you wish to add, then select that user from the dropdown menu that appears.
  3. Click Add

Chapter status

Edit or add the statuses that are available for assigning to chapters.

To change the status of a chapter, go to the Chapter tab then click on the status link at the right-hand end of each chapter's bar.

Permissions and visibility

From the dropdown menu, select who you want to be able to edit the book, then click Set permissions

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