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ELO 2015: The End(s) of Electronic Literature

Beyond the Screens: Transmediality in E-literature

Domingo Sánchez-Mesa (University of Granada), Nieves Rosendo Sánchez (University of Granada) and Rui Torres (University Fernando Pessoa)

Wednesday, August 5 • 13:30 - 15:00 (Sydneshaugen skole: Auditorium D)

In this roundtable we propose to present and discuss those aspects and goals of the project NAR_TRANS (University of Granada, website under construction) that are most relevant to ELO and the conference. Nar_Trans aims to build an active and relevant research core in the Spanish I+D+i system, able to become part of the international research network on transmedial narratives & intermediality.

This academic network also aims to become a gathering place for fellow researchers, students and creative artists through different events, such as meetings, seminars and workshops, or the mapping of the Spanish transmedial productions through a web critical catalogue, with a view to the most outstanding works in Latin America. The project holds also the first university prize for young transmedia creatives as well as the publication of an e-book with a selection of essays on transmediality at the crossroads of Literary, Cultural and Media Studies.

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