What Comes After Electronic Literature?
Wednesday, August 5 • 13:30 - 15:00 (Sydneshaugen skole: Auditorium A)
Five minute lightning talks addressing the question: What comes after electronic literature?
- Steven Wingate: eLit and the Borg: the challenges of mainstreaming and commercialization
- Leonardo Flores: Time Capsules for True Digital Natives
- Maya Zalbidea, Xiana Sotelo and Augustine Abila: The Feminist Ends of Electronic Literature
- Mark Sample: Bad Data for a Broken World
- José Molina: Translating E-poetry: Still Avant-Garde
- Daria Petrova and Natalia Fedorova: 101 mediapoetry lab
- Judd Morrissey: Turesias (Odds of Ends)
- Jose Aburto: Post Digital Interactive Poetry: The End of Electronic Interfaces
- Andrew Klobucar: Measure for Measure: Moving from Narratives to Timelines in Social Media Networking
- David Clark: The End of Endings
- Damon Baker: "HAPPINESS FOR EVERYBODY, FREE, AND NO ONE WILL GO AWAY UNSATISFIED!": New Developments in the CaveWriting Hypertext Editing System